FTT Galaxy

May 19, 20212 min

How to start a WhatsApp group?

The WhatsApp group may sometimes be what you need to stay in touch with your friends, family, and colleagues, especially with the social distancing of the epidemic conditions, especially with the availability of solutions to keep up with digital development, and there are those who launch groups for working conditions and to communicate with family friends.

So here's how you can get started with your Whatsapp group.

To get started, go to the Chat tab of WhatsApp and select New Group. Then select who will be part of the group from your contact list. From the next screen, you will be able to name the group and add an icon if you wish.

How to start a WhatsApp group?

And to browse some of the things that you can do within a WhatsApp group, you can tag group members in messages with the @ symbol. You can also visit each member's profile and start a private chat with them by clicking on their icons.

Within the group settings - which you can access by clicking on the group name at the top of the screen - you can search for the types of links and images that you have sent to each other, as well as find individual messages using Chat Search. You can also mute the chat - this also comes in handy depending on the group size.

Depending on the size of the group, it may be beneficial to designate another user as the administrator, who is allowed to make changes to the group. You can also find individual members from the list of participants.

When you want to leave a group chat, you can go to group settings and scroll to the bottom of the screen, where you will see the option. You can also archive a group by swiping to the left of the chat list, which will hide it and help you organize things.
