FTT World

Mar 15, 20212 min

Scientists are actually studying the possibility of fish farming at a future in Moon

Scientists are actually studying the possibility of fish farming at a future lunar base. Researchers in France are now testing different varieties of fish eggs that will be best to send beyond the Earth's atmosphere for the future plan of creating a Lunar Village. So far, European seabass is in the lead.

Feeding the men and women who will be living on the Moon in the future is a challenge and a major key in the success of the mission. It would be unsustainable in the future if they only eat freeze-dried products as they will lose important vitamins and minerals, like vitamins C, B12, and K, that they would need to survive on the lunar surface.

According to Hakai Magazine, the researchers used 200 European seabass eggs in their experiment. These eggs were tightly sealed within a curved dish filled with seawater up to the brim.

Researchers discovered that fish eggs could feasibly be transported to the Moon. Scientists tested that the eggs of two fish species European sea bass could survive the harrowing trip. The countdown then begins and the eggs are off into the sky. The eggs suffer riotous shaking for two full minutes as the engines roared to life and then followed by eight minutes of shaking as the rocket continues to ascend to the heavens. These eggs were on their way to the low Earth orbit with plans of sending them to the Moon.

They did not actually leave the planet. This was just a simulation of what it would be like when the fish eggs are finally sent to space to the lunar fish farm where scientists would rear them. The researchers found that all the fish eggs survived the ordeal with 95% of them hatched compared to the control group with only 92% of the eggs hatched. Their findings are crucial to the progress of the Lunar Hatch, a program that aims to enhance the self-sufficiency of future communities on the Moon and Mars. This project is led by the French Institute of Research and Exploration of the Sea (IFREMER) and Montpellier University Space Centre (CSUM) .

Cyrille Przybyla, an aquaculture researcher at the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea who led the research dreams of designing a lunar fish farm that uses water already on the moon to help feed residents of the future Moon Village. I proposed the idea to send eggs, not fish, because eggs and embryos are very strong.

Cyrille Przybyla, an aquaculture researcher at the IFREMER said that, he dreams of designing a lunar fish farm that uses the water on the Moon to help feed the residents of the future Moon Village that is set to be established by the European Space Agency (ESA).

He suspects that, having evolved to withstand the adversities of aquatic environments where they might endure strong currents, waves, and collisions with hard surfaces, the fish eggs are naturally space-ready.

Adding fresh fish to the European Space Agency's proposed Moon Village's food supply by transporting eggs to the base would substantially boost the variety of food offered astronaut's, far beyond the traditional freeze-dried fare and provide nutrients.
