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Class action was filed against Apple for posting a phishing app disguised as a cryptocurrency wallet

Apple claims the App Store is the safest and most trusted place for users to get apps. This claim is disputed in a nine-count class-action lawsuit filed against Apple by users of the Toast Plus app.

Users of this app who downloaded it from the Apple App Store found that their money was gone. According to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Maryland, Apple allowed hackers to place a phishing app disguised as a cryptocurrency wallet on its online app store, prompting the plaintiff and others to download and install it.

The lawsuit says that Apple is liable because it did not check the software distributed by its online store, which it tightly controls, allowing only approved suppliers to work and receiving (until recently) a 30% commission on every sale. The lawsuit also clarifies that the template disclaimer included in the user agreement does not apply in this case, since Toast Plus was not an actual application, but instead as a means of committing fraud, which does any existing contract using it as a subject, invalid.

According to the lawsuit, contacting Toast Plus, Apple, and law enforcement did not resolve the issue. The lawsuit also states that anyone who has downloaded the Toast Plus software is entitled to receive statutory damages of more than $ 10,000 or $ 100 per day for each day of violation, actual and punitive damages, reasonable attorney fees, and profits the defendant from the violations described above.


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