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Reddit unveils the Clubhouse-style Talk audio product


Reddit has revealed a Clubhouse-like social audio product, called Reddit Talk, as a pilot. Since the feature is not yet widely available, moderators who want to try the feature out on their subreddit can add themselves to the waiting list to access it accordingly. Transferred by the verge.

Based on the description of Reddit and photos shared by the company, it appears that Reddit Talk is a lot like Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, and other social audio products, and according to Reddit, the conversations will live inside the subreddits.

During initial tests, only subreddit moderators will be able to initiate Talk, Talk hosts will be able to call, mute, and remove speakers, while only mods can initiate conversations at the beginning, and anyone on iOS and Android can listen to one.

Moderation was an issue for the Clubhouse, so it's noticeable that Reddit started small and only grants access to moderators first, at some point in the future the mod will be able to bring trusted community members as co-hosts.

The company says it is testing ways for hosts to customize the look of conversations with emojis and different background colors, and users will be able to change their avatar as well.

Reddit joins Twitter, Slack, Discord, LinkedIn, and Spotify in announcing an audio-social feature.


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