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WhatsApp Guide to Clear Hidden Data Using File Explorer


WhatsApp is always constantly updated, but not all tools solve the simplest aspects of the smartphone. We already know that the instant messaging system has its own storage manager to free up space, but there is data that escapes the system and the recommendation is to do the process manually.

It does not take a computer genius to access the hidden data that WhatsApp activity leaves in the smartphone's internal memory. You also won't need to download a third-party app from your operating system's store. The solution is to resort to the file explorer.

Unlike WhatsApp's storage manager, the phone's file explorer has access to backups, profile pictures, and other material. In general, the manager is used to delete photos and videos without giving access to the residue left by the system.

The first thing you will need is a file explorer installed on the Android mobile. In case you don't have enough tools, you can choose to download the file explorers available on Google Play.

Once in the browser, you must follow the following path: Android> Media> com.whatsapp> WhatsApp.

In case you have a version before Android 10, the path will be directly WhatsApp.

WhatsApp | Data storage

Being inside the folder, you will see three files: Backups, Databases, and Media.

The Backups folder stores the backups that your phone saves locally. We recommend that you do not delete this material in case the copy of the Google Drive fails.

The Media folder stores wallpapers, animated GIFs, audios, documents, images, profile images, stickers, videos, and voice notes.

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