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Can the WiFi owner see what I’m browsing?

Yes, almost every Wi-Fi router tracks the websites visited by linked devices. Only the Wi-Fi owner has access to the router's records in order to determine which connected users viewed which websites. As a result, if you connect to someone's Wi-Fi, he may view your surfing history. If the website uses HTTP protocol, the owner may know which web pages you viewed. In reality, if you enter something on such websites, the owner of the Wi-Fi may see what you wrote using third-party tracking apps. However, if the website uses HTTPS protocol, he can only see that you visited the website and not which web pages you viewed. The owner cannot see the information you entered on such websites. Aside from your browsing history, the Wi-Fi network administrator can learn more about your internet browser when you join his Wi-Fi network.

  1. The URLs of the websites

  2. The URLs of individual websites.

  3. The amount of time you spend on each webpage.

  4. When you first connected to Wi-Fi.

  5. The amount of time you spent online.

Even if you remove your browsing history in your browser while connected to a Wi-Fi network, it will not hide your browsing history from the Wi-Fi router. This is because the Wi-Fi router includes a memory area where it logs all of your surfing histories for the administrator to see later if he so desires. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is the only way to mask surfing history from a Wi-Fi network. When you connect to someone's Wi-Fi network and utilize a VPN before engaging in any online activity, the data packets transmitted and received while browsing the internet are encrypted. As a result, even if the router gathers and rearranges those data packets in order to understand your surfing history, it is impossible for the router or any third-party program to decode and rearrange the packets.

Furthermore, a VPN briefly alters the IP address of your device that is connected to the WI-FI network. As a result, the Wi-Fi network will be unable to determine from which device the data packets are coming, and your privacy will be preserved. There are several free and commercial VPN services and applications to select from. To hide your surfing history, you must install activate before joining any Wi-Fi network. It is critical that you understand why you should hide your browser history when connecting to someone else's Wi-Fi network. You may be doing the typical things like surfing the web, checking your social media accounts, sending a few messages, and purchasing merchandise online.

However, when you are browsing the internet, you will not notice anyone watching what you are searching for or viewing, especially if it is sensitive information. Similarly, you would not want someone to read your personal communications to friends and others. Simultaneously, when you connect to any online account, your login credentials may be recorded. Your financial information might be recorded when you buy and pay online. As a result, for your own safety and privacy, you should conceal your surfing history from Wi-Fi administrators. You don't want somebody stealing money from your credit card or bank account, hacking into your social media networks and embarrassing you, or blackmailing you with your personal conversations and searches.

When you use Incognito Mode when browsing the web, you prevent your browser from logging your browsing history. The Wi-Fi router, on the other hand, is logging your surfing history as normal. When you join to the Wi-Fi network, the Wi-Fi owner may see all of the websites you visit. Furthermore, if the administrator employs any third-party monitoring and tracking program, you may obtain more information about your browsing history, such as capturing what you type on websites and applications when connected to your Wi-Fi. As a result, we recommend that you install a VPN on your device to preserve your privacy and mask your browsing history.

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