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Microsoft adopts Egyptian student Amr Shaarawy in the field of artificial intelligence

The official page of "ON" channel highlighted the adoption of the American company "Microsoft", the young Egyptian student, Amr Shaarawy, as the youngest professional in history in the field of artificial intelligence based on cloud computing.

In a post, the page details the story, saying: “There was a joint initiative between Microsoft and the university entitled “Artificial Intelligence on Cloud Computing for All,” during which hundreds of university professors and students were trained on Microsoft’s technologies for artificial intelligence on cloud computing, which is considered the best in the world.” According to a report by Gartner Foundation for Information Technology Market Research, the General Manager of Microsoft International sent a letter to Dr. "Nawal El-Degwi", Chairman of the Board of Trustees of MSA University, praising what "Amr" has achieved!

In its post, the page indicated that the initiative is part of the strategy of artificial intelligence and digital transformation launched by the university through five components... one of them is related to preparing all faculty members for the challenges of the age of artificial intelligence and the fourth industrial revolution, and another component for developing the curriculum with additions of artificial intelligence applications, A third component is concerned with developing student projects using artificial intelligence techniques.

He pointed to the statements of Dr. Ahmed Baha, the regional director of Microsoft, where he said that the achievement made by "Amr" is evidence that artificial intelligence technology is for everyone and that all Egyptian youth must care about it and learn it to use it in developing the work of their various specialties. He gave an example in the opinion of Professor "Klaus Schwab" The founder of the Davos Economic Forum, who said that artificial intelligence techniques and digital transformation will change the forms of global competition, and transform it from the stage of large fish-eating small ones - (with reference to institutions) - to a stage that fast fish will destroy slow fish even if they exceed them in size!

The page concluded its publication by emphasizing that there are thousands of successful young people like Amr Shaarawy who affirm that the mentality of the Egyptian youth is no less than any other mentality in the world, adding that state institutions, whether governmental or private, work professionally to invest in the future.

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