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NVIDIA has introduced the RTX Video HDR, a cutting-edge feature designed to revolutionize online video content

NVIDIA has introduced the RTX Video HDR, a cutting-edge feature designed to revolutionize the way we experience online video content. This AI-enhanced technology promises to instantly convert any standard dynamic range (SDR) video playing in internet browsers into vibrant, high dynamic range (HDR) masterpieces.

HDR technology is renowned for delivering unparalleled video quality, yet its widespread adoption has been hindered by the significant effort and hardware limitations involved. The RTX Video HDR aims to overcome these barriers by providing NVIDIA RTX and GeForce RTX GPU owners with a seamless solution to maximize their HDR panels' potential. This innovation ensures a display of more vivid, dynamic colors, preserving intricate details that might otherwise be lost in standard dynamic range formats.

To make the most of RTX Video HDR, users will need an HDR10-compatible display or TV connected to an RTX-powered PC. The feature is compatible with Chromium-based browsers, such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

An exciting aspect of this release is the compatibility of RTX Video HDR with RTX Video Super Resolution, allowing users to combine these features for the clearest livestreamed video experience. This dynamic duo promises to enhance the overall video quality, providing users with a visually stunning and immersive experience.

The highly anticipated RTX Video HDR is set to roll out to all NVIDIA RTX and GeForce RTX GPUs through an upcoming driver update later this month. Users can easily activate the feature by navigating to the NVIDIA control panel and flipping the switch. As the tech world eagerly awaits this transformative update, the RTX Video HDR is poised to redefine our expectations of online video quality, making HDR accessible to all.

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